It is a match every football fan wants to watch Brazil VS Argentina but tonight match has been suspended. Football fans were werehoping to see Neymar go against his club teammate at PSG Lionel Messi tonight.
On Sunday night, the World Cup Qualifier between Brazil and Argentina was called off when Brazilian health officials entered the field in a dispute over Covid restrictions.

Shortly after kick-off, officials marched onto the field and challenged Argentina's players, who exited the field while the two managers, as well as Argentina captain Lionel Messi and Brazil's players, regrouped to discuss the halt.
The South American football association CONMEBOL later stated that the game had been called off by the referee, who will submit a disciplinary report to FIFA. The game had been 0-0 when it was stopped.
Four Argentina players will be penalized and deported, according to Antonio Barra Torres, president of Brazil's health agency Anvisa. They allegedly did not follow the country's Covid protocols.
Just hours before the game in Sao Paulo, Anvisa urged the immediate isolation of the four players.
The names of the four players were not given by Anvisa.