You have done excellently well to earn money. It is more important to be very smart with how that money is invested.
There are lots of fraudsters out there who sell the impossible investment just to defraud gullible investors of their hard earn money.
These fraudsters have lots of persuasion techniques that are tailored to the victim's psychological profile.
Protect your investment and watch out for these warning signs;
1)Transfer money to this account number now - this is very common with fraudsters who tell you about the investment and ask you to send money right now. They say every minute counts, so much pressure is been mounted on you to send money.
2)Everyone is investing - everyone in the city is investing in this, does not make the investment to be genuine. Do not go with the crowd, the crowd could be wrong. Be different that will make you stand out.
3)Returns are guaranteed - they aren't guaranteed returns on investment. I say they don't exist.
4)It appears to be too good to be true - I see this a lot online on social media get a 100percent return on your investment in an hour. You have to put a lot of effort, dedication into your work to get returns. Don't fall into the hands of fraudsters promising the impossible just because you want to make more money. Making more money requires that you are smart about how you invest your money.
It takes time, patience, and sacrifices to make your investment grow. Never be fooled by anyone that making lots of money happens just in a flash. Even when you play a lottery, you patiently wait for the result to be announced.